Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Prevent and reverse heart disease

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Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Mary Jane Popp

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There?s a killer on the loose. Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. But what if I told you it doesn?t have to be that way, and it?s not so scary either? Joseph Piscatella, President of the Institutes for Fitness Health, and Dr. Barry Franklin, say 80% of us can prevent heart disease by making some simple lifestyle changes.

They have some 109 things you can do in ?Prevent, Halt and Reverse Heart Disease.? We let it sneak up on us, Piscatella told me on my POPPOFF Radio Show, but that can change right now.

First of all, there are ten critical cardiac markers to assess your risk.

1) Cholesterol and other Lipids

2) Coronary Inflammation

3) Blood Clotting

4) Weight

5) Blood Pressure

6) Diabetes

7) Metabolic Syndrome

8) Aerobic Activity

9) Smoking

10) Personality

There?s a whole cardiac marker profile you can assess after you look at the above markers in the book. So how about a few of those simple lifestyle changes that can really make a difference. I can?t get all 109 in this one column, but here are some helpful tips to get you started.

1)? Take a vacation! People who don?t take an annual vacation are 32% more likely to die of coronary heart disease that those who take time off each year.

2)? Disguise your exercise. Get off the bus or subway a stop early and walk the rest of the way. Take the long way back from the restroom to your desk. Unload one grocery bag at a time from your car.

3)? To make sure you start your exercise program off on the right foot, wait until the end of the day (when your feet are the largest) to shop for athletic shoes.

4)? Floss! Flossing your teeth may help prevent inflammation and bacteria, which can cause injury to coronary artery walls.

5)? Meditate. Studies at UCLA and Harvard show when you are asleep, you?re oxygen level is decreased by 8%. With meditation, it?s 12%, an indication that your body is equally if not even more deeply relaxed.

6)? Turn off the TV. Americais perhaps the most informed nation on earth. Unfortunately, what is presented on TV is often unbalanced, not necessarily in the ?left or right? sense, but because TV news presents hyped-up versions of today?s headlines that are invariably sensationalized and negative. Instead of producing clarity, it increases anxiety.

7)? Rough up your diet. We should all be eating 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day, with at least 3 grams of soluble fiber.

8)? Get your antioxidants from food. According to the American Heart Association, ?It is preferable to get vitamins and minerals such as beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E in a nutritious diet rather than through supplements.

9)? Limit your caffeine. Americans consume about 33 million gallons of coffee a day, equal to 30 seconds of full flow atNiagara Falls. Too much caffeine has a negative impact on cardiac health.

10)? Visit the mall. Exercise indoors when the temps are extreme like blistering heat, or simply anytime the weather is simply unpleasant. If you don?t belong to a gym, walk at your local shopping mall. Many malls open their doors early just for this purpose.

That?s just a small sampling of the 109 things to do. They go into much detail and they talk about testing and what to ask for and look for. It doesn?t hurt that you can understand what your doctor is telling you either.

You can also check out Joe?s website at

It?s called ?Prevent, Halt and Reverse Heart Disease.?

Now the ball is in your court! Stay well!


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