Monday, August 13, 2012

Antidiscrimination and Real Estate | eLocal

eLocal Expert Network: Legal Edition Antidiscrimination laws cover race, gender, age, national origin, family status, religion and disability. But some laws also prevent housing discrimination based on sexual orientation, race, and gender identity. However, strict control of these issues is not consistent among all states. Even more, many people do not realize these laws are in place. Housing discrimination can make real estate transactions complicated for minorities.

Why We?re Asking

Buying or selling your home is usually the most significant purchase in one?s lifetime. But what if your interest rate on your mortgage is higher simply because of your religion? Or what if a home seller is falsely accused of discrimination? We want to understand what legal protection home sellers and buyers can turn to. We also want to know how real estate lawyers can help flesh out such a sticky situation involving housing discrimination.

So experts, it?s time to weigh in:

How do you Guard Against Discrimination in Real Estate?

How is discrimination in residential real estate controlled?

What protections are available for home buyers to make certain that they are being treated fairly?

How can home buyers be sure they are being treated fairly when signing a mortgage and interest rate?

How can home sellers make certain they are not violating any anti-discrimination laws?

We?re excited to help inform home buyers and sellers how to ensure that their real estate transactions are fair and unbiased.

Experts, post your answers in the comment field below!


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