Saturday, August 25, 2012

Daily Kos: Brewing Interest in Obama's Home Brew Comes to a ...

Today, Press Secretary Jay Carney fended off questions about the White House beer, promising to get back to the Press Corp after further research:

Press Secretary Jay Carney took questions on this today, in this exchange:
Q: And finally, I know this is ? I think you were asked about this earlier in the week, but there?s been a sort of push from the online Homebrewers Association for the White House to release its beer recipe. I believe there are three, at least, White House beers brewed here. Does the White House have any plans to release its beer recipes?
MR. CARNEY: Not that I?m aware of. ? I think the president and first lady were asked about this a little bit in an interview last week, which I believe is published or broadcast, about how the White House beer came about. But I don?t ? I?m not aware of any plans at this time to ? divulge the secret recipe.
Q: I believe there have been Freedom of Information ? (inaudible) ? filed on this issue, so ?
MR. CARNEY: I?ll have to take the question ? (scattered laughter) ? examine it, taste it. (Laughter.)

Eun Kim describes the FOIA filing:

Another beer lover went further and demanded the White House beer recipes through the Freedom of Information Act, or a FOIA request.
?You should know that I am requesting this as a home brewer and for the education of other home brewers not for commercial use,? he writes.

?A personal notebook or an email about ingredients probably doesn't fall under the definition of ?documents? in FOIA, but a brewing manual or recipie [sic] book or something like that which is used to train others WOULD be a responsive document. If I'm lucky, that's what I'll get??

But the filer also admitted he was hoping a little flattery would help his pursuit. He boldly ends his letter with the following request:
?Also, if you could send me a copy autographed by the President, you?d be the coolest FOIA officer in the whole federal government,

So far the President's secret recipe seems safe. ?The petition on the White House has only 3,609 signatures, well short of the 21,391 needed to qualify for an official White House response. And, White House documents are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. ?

At the Iowa State Fair, crowds broke out into chants of "four more beers," when the President started serving beers from a vender.

So, now I'm wondering if this may be part of ?a secret OFA strategy for an "October Surprise," in the form of a national "Baracktober Beer Fest."

Just to give you a taste of things to come, don't be surprised if you find me leading the cheering crowds in chants, of ?"four more years, with four more beers!" -- our new campaign slogan. ?This would certainly give the October Surprise election tradition a heady new verve.

4:01 PM PT:


Release the recipe for the Honey Ale home brewed at the White House.

Following in the footsteps of great men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, Barack Obama has reportedly been enjoying the rewards of home brewed beer. Recent reports from news outlets like the Washington Post (August 15th, 2012) have stated that Obama has been drinking a White House home brew Honey Ale while on the campaign trail.

In keeping with the brewing traditions of the founding fathers, homebrewers across America call on the Obama Administration to release the recipe for the White House home brew so that it may be enjoyed by all.

"I think it?s time for beer? -Franklin D. Roosevelt (March 12, 1933)

Created: Aug 18, 2012

Issues: Agriculture, Arts and Humanities, Innovation

Learn about Petition Thresholds


4:05 PM PT: PhotobucketThe President always looks so happy when sipping a beer!

Anyone want to have a beer with the President?

4:19 PM PT: Our resident political genius, gchaucer2 proposes a brilliant idea -- President Obama offers to release his beer recipes, if Mr. Romney will release his taxes back to 1999. ?

Another thing, I like about this idea, is it gives me an excuse to republish this poster, I made after Magnifico taught me how to use the Meme Generator software.


4:48 PM PT: Breaking --

Breaking News

What we know about the beer, which has been featured as a campaign prop during the president's Iowa travels, is that it goes by the name White House Honey Ale. The brewski's honey comes from Michelle Obama's garden beehive on the south lawn and it's bottled in a small brewery in the White House. While this is the first time it's made its way on the campaign trail, the Honey Ale started surfacing at White House events in 2011 including the Obamas' Super Bowl party. But that's about all we know.
So, the quest to learn "what is the President brewing, and when does it brew it? continues.

4:52 PM PT:


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